01-02 DODGE (5.9L) JUICE W/ATTITUDE CTS - 31101

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2001-2002 Dodge 5.9L Cummins Juice w/ Attitude CTS Edge Products proudly announces the release of the Juice with Attitude Color Screen (CTS) Dodge Cummins Diesel trucks. The Juice with Attitude CTS product offer the same great features and benefits users have come to expect from Edge Products along with a whole host of additional features! Juice with Attitude CS and CTS 1998.5-2005 NOW SHIPPING! Juice with Attitude CTS Available for Dodge Diesel Trucks Edge Products proudly announces the release of the Juice with Attitude Color Screen (CTS) Dodge Cummins Diesel trucks. The Juice with Attitude CTS product offer the same great features and benefits users have come to expect from Edge Products along with a whole host of additional features! POWER LEVEL 1: 40 HP & 150 lb-ft •POWER LEVEL 2: 60 HP & 200 lb-ft •POWER LEVEL 3: 80 HP & 250 lb-ft •POWER LEVEL 4: 100 HP & 300 lb-ft •POWER LEVEL 5: 120 HP & 350 lb-ft •IN-CAB MONITORING •COLOR SCREEN •CUSTOM BACKGROUND/ MYSTYLE •SCREEN AUTO-DIM •COMPATIBLE WITH EAS •ALERTS AND RECORDS •PERFORMANCE TESTS •DISPLAY TRUE SPEED ON MONITOR •DATA ACQUISITION •DTC READ CLEAR •INTERNET UPDATES •PERFORMANCE TUNES •TOW TUNE •ECONOMY TUNE