Snow Performance Universal Water Methanol Tow-Max Kit - 47103

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Do you want POWER and cooler EGT's? New from Snow Performance, TOW-MAX™ is proven to drastically decrease EGT's – empty or while towing. Special mapping and sophisticated 2d digital controller available result in increased power and decreased EGT's! It also now has a brighter Green LCD screen that displays boost, EGTs, and injection pump output. This means a savings of $200-$300 in gauges you don’t have to buy. • Will not adversely affect particulate matter filter like most other power adders • Doesn’t leave a “signature” on vehicles computer so warranty isn’t jeopardized • Comes complete with large 7 gal. reservoir for a truly complete system • The most advanced system on the market – true 2d mapping for smooth power – always • Provides more power (50-100 HP), and lower EGTs (150°-300° F) • Dash mounted module – displays real time – no need for gauges Diesel MPG-MAX Boost Cooler upgrades are now available for customers with existing systems. The 7 Gallon Reservoir (#40016) is recommended if a larger reservoir isn't already being used. Please see product listing (#60005) and pricing below.